Understand the reasons behind your premenstrual misery, and empower yourself with simple strategies to manage your hormonal moods, naturally.

Wednesday 25 September, 10am (Sydney, Australia)

(Limited time replay available if you can't make it live)

Are your hormones hijacking your mental & physical wellbeing

every damn month??

Is the monthly emotional rollercoaster making you feel exhausted and miserable?

Do sudden mood swings blindside you - causing turmoil in your relationships with your partner, family & friends?

Are you sick of the lack of information, misinformation and gaslighting you face about PMDD every day?

...sick of even having to educate your doctor about what you're going through?

Do you relate?

Every month, I experience feeling crazy to the point where it makes life incredibly challenging. It's heartbreaking, other times devastating. I often feel like too much and emotionally chaotic. I feel so alone in it.

Then my period comes and poof, it’s gone.

I'm me again."

- PMDD Warrior -

Have you been told:

"That's just PMS"

"There’s no cure for PMDD"

"Your blood tests are normal"

(but you definitely don’t feel normal)

"Your only options are birth control or anti-depressants"

…or wait for menopause

"This might make you feel worse for a while but you'll have to put up with it and ride it out"

You know this isn’t the way to live a happy and fulfilling life, and you are looking for answers!

If you're curious about what’s really going on to cause these debilitating premenstrual symptoms, and you aren't interested in bandaid approaches anymore, then come along to this free workshop.

Break Free from PMDD

Understand the reasons behind your premenstrual misery, and empower yourself with simple strategies to manage your hormonal moods, naturally.

Wednesday 25 September, 10am (Sydney, Australia)

- Limited time replay available if you can't make it live -

We'll explore:

What is going on with your hormones and why they can make you feel crazy every month

What does trauma have to do with PMDD .

The naturopathic, holistic approach to understanding and managing PMDD

Remove the barriers to healing to help bring your hormones & mental health back into balance

Put yourself back into the driver's seat, never second guessing yourself or your treatments again

What you can do to regain control of your cycle instead of being victim to it!

Wednesday 25 September

10am (Sydney, Australia)

Limited time replay available

What others said...

Hi, I'm Heidi

I am a naturopath, nutritionist, mum of two, & EFT practitioner, especially for people with hormonal mental health challenges like premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). My mission is to help clients get off the “hormotional” roller-coasters, using nutrition, herbal medicine, EFT and body-mind awareness; to regain a sense of calm & confidence in themselves, and grow to love the power of their menstrual cycles instead of feeling victim to it.

I am a firm advocate for body-mind medicine, meaning that fortifying the biochemistry of your body and brain has a powerful positive impact on mental and emotional wellbeing (Your brain, after all, is a flesh-and-blood organ of your physical body).

Hi, I'm Heidi

I am a naturopath, nutritionist, mum of two, & soon-to-be-EFT practitioner, especially for people with hormonal mental health challenges like premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). My mission is to help clients get off the “hormotional” roller-coasters, using nutrition, herbal medicine, EFT and body-mind awareness; to regain a sense of calm & confidence in themselves, and grow to love the power of their menstrual cycles instead of feeling victim to it.

I am a firm advocate for body-mind medicine, meaning that fortifying the biochemistry of your body and brain has a powerful positive impact on mental and emotional wellbeing (Your brain, after all, is a flesh-and-blood organ of your physical body).

What others said:




Stop guessing, stop googling & discover what's right for YOU.

I'd love to have you join us.

x Heidi

"Was a beautifully combined, informative, integral and caring masterclass, which is weird to call it like this, because is way more of that.

This class brought me so much understanding and allowing me to click things together, as it covered multiple aspects. Had several ah ha moments, but also others moments with tears in my eyes, feeling validated or discovering something new about myself that I didn't see it before

Natalia, Bali

I thought the masterclass was packed full of really interesting information. It helped me to realise that there are, in fact, SO many things we can do to help ourselves heal from PMDD, and that we don't have to feel hopeless about the awful symptoms every month, or resort to medication or surgery. It filled me with hope and excitement that my future could look very different to my past

Emma, UK

Thank you so much for running this masterclass. It was so interesting and information shared helped me immensely with regards to how hormones affect you in different parts of our cycle.
It was really comforting to hear it in a live group discussion. It made me feel so much less alone so many thanks for holding this session which takes a lot of guts to do.

Michelle, USA

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